Sunday, August 20, 2017

Scanxiety has begun....

Friday is my next CT Scan.  I want to know what's going on, but it's still an emotional event to prep for.  I've been focusing on my diet and wellness, been keeping myself surrounded by happy, positive people, but it's still tough to prep for these milestones.

I had a very interesting stranger cross my path during a meditation event.  We talked about my battle and she had a very different opinion about how I should be addressing Big Bertha.  When you do yoga and meditation, it's all about peace.  And her idea was that Big Bertha is always going to be with me.  I have an incurable type of Cancer.  That's a fact.  But what I *CAN* do is control how I feel about that.  If I make peace with Big Bertha, let her know that she is welcome and that we are partners, it would make things a lot more positive in my head.  And the more positive I am in my head, the healthier my body becomes.  Hmmmmm...  That makes a lot of sense.  I can tell her that she is welcome to split cells into Cancer if that's what she feels the need to do, but just so long as she keeps it under control and doesn't take over TOO much of my body.  Because if she does that, then we will both suffer the consequences.  However, if she behaves herself, we BOTH win.  Hmmmmm...  It was an interesting conversation and has got me thinking VERY differently.  And it is true that because of her, a lot of VERY GOOD things have happened in my life...

So here's my picture for today....

Always forward, never back,
CEO of Save My Ass Technologies, Inc.

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