Sunday, October 9, 2016

Anatomy of an Illness

Got this book (and 2 others that I can't wait to read) from one of my Warriors.  I couldn't put it down.  It talks about the phenomenal healing power of laughter...belly laughter.  It talks about hope.  It talks about how every person must accept a certain measure of responsibility for his or her own recovery from disease or disability.  It talks about the importance of the relationship between doctor and patient.  

I'm more convinced than ever that Big Bertha ain't big no more and she + all the little Bertha-wannabes do not stand a chance in my body.  

I have totally got this....

Here are some of my favorite parts:

- laughter is a form of jogging for the innards.(WOW!!!!!
- ....confirms the capacity of the human body to transform hope into tangible and essential biochemical change.
- ten minutes of genuine belly laughter had an anesthetic effect...
- the will to live is not a theoretical abstraction but a physiologic reality with therapeutic characteristics.
-   disease tended to leave him rather rapidly because it found so little hospitality inside his body.  (LOVE THIS!!!!
- place as much emphasis on quality of life as on treatment.
- the human mind can be trained to play an important part both in preventing disease and in overcoming it when it occurs.
- Physicians need to be in actual touch with patients.  Time is the one thing that patients need most from their doctors - time to be heard, time to have things explained, time to be reassured....  

I am SOOO lucky to have the doctors that I have and SOOOOO fortunate to have so many Warriors supporting me.  Oh yea, and I LOVE TO LAUGH!  WIN!!!  

To whoever left this on my desk.....THANK YOU!
I am *NEVER* without HOPE!

I've totally got this...


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