Thursday, October 20, 2016

Chemo #3 DONE! BOOM!

Another super fantastic time getting my chemo!  WOO HOO!  It was a quick day, but, of course it wasn't without it's funny moments...

I am gaining a LOT of weight.....which when I stepped on the scale I growled, out loud, at the numbers.  There was a little boy in the blood draw room (behind us) with his he came running to the door and looked like this.....
 Image result for wow emojiROFL!!  Priceless!

We then heard him growling later....ooops!  But, seriously, gaining weight, REALLY!??!  Oh well...once I beat this beast I'll be doing a lot of celebrating so I'll work it off...and I'll be better than EVER!!  

And, my theory about the weight gain is the chemo is in my body....cruising around...looking around for all the Bertha-wannabees....hello?.......see any Cancer around here......hello?.......but it can keep on looking....and take as much time as it needs.....because THERE ARE NO MORE BERTHA'S OR BERTHA-WANNABEES!!!  

Image result for image boom
That's my story and I'm sticking to it!  

I've totally got this...



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